Monday, August 23, 2010

Motorola Phone Tools4.2

a quiet night

Last night I dreamed my love ... walked along the river ... that river that contains the peaceful passing of time, we talked about things that were, are, that could be and were not ... talk about all the times we've been together along the river and how happy we've been in countless past lives ... of what we suffer ... how despite how cruel life can be .. is small detail that these fine things but insignificant for most .. is what gives flavor to every time we visit this realm ... we laugh ... and enjoy each other's company a beautiful sky full of stars that were, are and will be ... I am filled with peace and lost ourselves in each other's eyes ... we said .. "No little love ... we're almost there ... almost back home "... those nights What happened to my love are the most peaceful nights ... and we bathe together in the light of countless moons .. it was ... they are ... and will be ... and awake with a heart full of joy .... and echo the rhythm of my respiraciĆ³ny I feel more alive than ever and for a moment ... is not knowing ... I understand that is not explained with logic and reason in this world and only you can feel ... if I ever leave this form and return it to where it all makes sense feeling it ... and if you'll be back in a new way to experience again the beautiful gift we call life ...


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