Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots In Mumbai

slept since arriving yesterday from work until 6:30 in the morning, was a restless night, full of strange dreams to which there are only scattered images in my head, not yesterday I saw my love or just saw a moment since I do not remember and I feel his presence, all I remember of my dream is a large building in ruins, filled with ghosts, people may remember moments that they had been in that place and other recreating the time of his death over and over again in that ruined place, I was very familiar with the place even though my rational and logical part does not recognize, remember to have reached the roof of the site and meet a sky so black and starless, was a restless night, but my body feels rested, my mind is sluggish, it all still seems so unreal and insubstantial, the third eye is active, my heart chakra asleep and not wanting to wake up, it's as if he were tired and reluctant for some reason, I'm a little less than 11 hours of freedom seem to be a day



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