Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Building Program Pieces

worth it?

not worth ... all I hear is that my rational mind ... I heard this morning that he tried to get up early, not worth it ... does not deserve it, you're not the one who should be suffering ... not able to appreciate .... to which my heart responds ... there is hope ... worth it ... I appreciate ... on mornings like this is when I find myself not knowing what to do ... one hopes dreams and plans, but the sabotage yourself is one of those mornings where you have the same force pessimism than optimism ... When dreams are mixed with nightmares and when your light is mixed with your dark and only leaves a gray world around you, where everything you do not care ... and you care about the same to live or die ... when, despite all the love you have in your heart ... you can not crack a smile ... can not let a tear roll of happiness ... do not feel nor tranquility and restlessness ... there is no order or chaos ... do not care about the things around you ... and where even getting a big challenge ... if minutes seem like hours in the morning and being ... I finally woke up early and could not fulfill my purpose on this day ... at least I feel that the presence of my love fills my senses ... yesterday I had a very pleasant conversation ... I told the story of someone who is very important to me, the answer was .. "Is a silly girl who does not know what he wants ... I wish I could have that salary by the hours you work ... 6 months on the street and already feels an expert ... to try to live their entire childhood and part of his adolescence without knowing if you eat every day .. "and well ... I knew not defend ... or do not know if I did not defend ... I know I can be mature ... but most of the time behaves like a girl ... I know that is the age at which their thinking is they are all idiots and do not know what they say ... she knows everything ... I know because I go through this time .. I know very well the thoughts that cross your mind at that age ... rather, at this stage ... because it has nothing to do with age ... because Some people never leave this stage .. an example is my father .. or the parent of the person you appreciate ... it also avoids the fighting on the pretext of stress, but more for fear ... never knew how to conduct the confrontation and I imagine that the problems children remembered much that had fights with his father and mother, is also moving away from the commitment for fear of ending someone like her parent because they are not comfortable with the commitment, that if you read this I will hate and will say I'm stupid and not what I mean, it bothers him to be treated like a child, yet continues to behave as such, I remember when I started to walk with her to accept it as it is, warts and all because after all it is love .. love the other person regardless, be with that person through thick and thin .. I know that not everything would be rosy forever but because that is what makes it worth everything else ... and not because something is wrong to run away and throw in the towel ... after all ... no matter if it lasts 100 years and is a matter of faith ... as in my case I end up working where the minimum wage querĂ­ay requiring ... (Hahah I'm not rubbing on the face), if anything I learned through the years is that there is more time than life, never say never, do not let your pride keep you from returning to that special person, because you'll regret the rest of your life .. however long or short that may be .. the latter showed me a little person who for years was very special to me and has suffered much in that pride ..


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