Monday, August 30, 2010

Whats The Difference Between A Mock And A V-neck

written last night I dreamed about it

know that last night I saw my love because I feel his presence still intoxicating my senses, and still fresh in my memory the words that always used to calm down, "no little love ... do not despair too long ", but also dreamed of it, by months and did not dream it, I saw her again sitting in a corner, crying, not wanting to show his face ... drops of blood at his feet, is not the first time I sleep well, and after it warned havia but havia thought the danger had passed, but it seems that is still in the future, still trying to extend his bloody hand reaching mine and asking me for help, felt the embrace of my love and the smell .. . "Help her ... also know what she means to me, but I really do not know if you want to accept my help ... is a influencSe I saw my love last night, as she still feel his presence intoxicating my senses, and still fresh in my memory the words that always used to calm down, "no little love ... do not despair too long ", but also dreamed of it, by months and did not dream it, I saw her again sitting in a corner, crying, not wanting to show his face ... drops of blood at his feet, is not the first time I sleep well, and after it warned havia but havia thought the danger had passed, but it seems that is still in the future, still extends his bloody hand wanting to reach the mine and asking me for help, felt the embrace of my love and the smell ... "Help her ... also know what she means to me, but I really do not know if you want to accept my help ... an influence in his life that keeps her away from me ... "Try it ... do it for my love "... I know ... I know what she means to you .... I'll try .... for you are worth.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rogers Telephone Book


was a dream a little weird, I set in a small town in the mountains, along with my mother and my brother opened a grocery store in the highest part of town was a snowy mountain, a bit harsh climate, the town is the foot of beautiful mountain, I decided to climb it, QUAD reach the top, I felt deep peace with the beautiful backdrop, note atop a large rock at the time seemed like a sleeping face, everything began to move, and saw this huge face suddenly lifted the whole mountain was a giant who stood staring me in the palm of your hand, just felt my forehead and my chest burned as if they were on fire ... but felt no pain, and woke up ... feeling a deep peace ... a joy that I can not explain ... as if he had so much love and happiness in my heart that was about to explode

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can I Use My Blackberry If The Ball Fell Out

A beautiful smile is what I remember of my dreams, with that image in my mind woke up and with a heart full of joy echoed in my mind an idea "just a little more ... it is almost my love, "I felt his presence in my skin I could still feel your touch in my ears the echo of her laughter in my bed still warm, as much as I enjoy these beautiful minutes perhaps one can love a dream? perhaps one can be happier in the ether?, perhaps worth pursuing matters in this world where logic governs razóny?, just appeared many times in my letters and the announcement of your arrival, I filled of the heart, and I want you come and be with you forever, but despite this forward, we will gladly give it time, my love, my lover, my best friend floats in my mind, your beautiful smile.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Funny Congratulation Messages

A beautiful smile just a chance?

Some say that life only gives you a chance, if you're lucky, to find true love, considering the vast number of beings who inhabit this planet, can be considered as a truth about especially since the vast majority of creatures that spend their lives without even love themselves, to find some being who you love and that love you tambiény be a true love that is pure love, a love that endures despite everything, to give you the strength to face any situation, it is considered an incidental matter, any to experience a love that has the good fortune to have it, clinging to him with all his might, this is for those who are lucky, for those who find that love and they are not met only a cause of pain, finding comfort to do everything possible for that to be happy even if it means that someone else, so I went to sleep last night, with that idea in my head and a deep sadness in my heart that was gradually replaced by sweet presence of my love, ever deeper into the depths of my dreams, where that beautiful feeling is more pure and not complicated by the rational or irrational logic of this reality, where everything is forgiven in truth and who forgets where they understand without understanding, embrace true love, and everything is real peace, no matter where the order or chaos, a beautiful night, and those beautiful second to wake up where you understand without understanding aforrá ; ndome with all my strength to each of the second, after last night I think there is more than one occasion, even just talking about hope, makes me want to continue and not abandon

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Building Program Pieces

worth it?

not worth ... all I hear is that my rational mind ... I heard this morning that he tried to get up early, not worth it ... does not deserve it, you're not the one who should be suffering ... not able to appreciate .... to which my heart responds ... there is hope ... worth it ... I appreciate ... on mornings like this is when I find myself not knowing what to do ... one hopes dreams and plans, but the sabotage yourself is one of those mornings where you have the same force pessimism than optimism ... When dreams are mixed with nightmares and when your light is mixed with your dark and only leaves a gray world around you, where everything you do not care ... and you care about the same to live or die ... when, despite all the love you have in your heart ... you can not crack a smile ... can not let a tear roll of happiness ... do not feel nor tranquility and restlessness ... there is no order or chaos ... do not care about the things around you ... and where even getting a big challenge ... if minutes seem like hours in the morning and being ... I finally woke up early and could not fulfill my purpose on this day ... at least I feel that the presence of my love fills my senses ... yesterday I had a very pleasant conversation ... I told the story of someone who is very important to me, the answer was .. "Is a silly girl who does not know what he wants ... I wish I could have that salary by the hours you work ... 6 months on the street and already feels an expert ... to try to live their entire childhood and part of his adolescence without knowing if you eat every day .. "and well ... I knew not defend ... or do not know if I did not defend ... I know I can be mature ... but most of the time behaves like a girl ... I know that is the age at which their thinking is they are all idiots and do not know what they say ... she knows everything ... I know because I go through this time .. I know very well the thoughts that cross your mind at that age ... rather, at this stage ... because it has nothing to do with age ... because Some people never leave this stage .. an example is my father .. or the parent of the person you appreciate ... it also avoids the fighting on the pretext of stress, but more for fear ... never knew how to conduct the confrontation and I imagine that the problems children remembered much that had fights with his father and mother, is also moving away from the commitment for fear of ending someone like her parent because they are not comfortable with the commitment, that if you read this I will hate and will say I'm stupid and not what I mean, it bothers him to be treated like a child, yet continues to behave as such, I remember when I started to walk with her to accept it as it is, warts and all because after all it is love .. love the other person regardless, be with that person through thick and thin .. I know that not everything would be rosy forever but because that is what makes it worth everything else ... and not because something is wrong to run away and throw in the towel ... after all ... no matter if it lasts 100 years and is a matter of faith ... as in my case I end up working where the minimum wage queríay requiring ... (Hahah I'm not rubbing on the face), if anything I learned through the years is that there is more time than life, never say never, do not let your pride keep you from returning to that special person, because you'll regret the rest of your life .. however long or short that may be .. the latter showed me a little person who for years was very special to me and has suffered much in that pride ..

Monday, August 23, 2010

Motorola Phone Tools4.2

a quiet night

Last night I dreamed my love ... walked along the river ... that river that contains the peaceful passing of time, we talked about things that were, are, that could be and were not ... talk about all the times we've been together along the river and how happy we've been in countless past lives ... of what we suffer ... how despite how cruel life can be .. is small detail that these fine things but insignificant for most .. is what gives flavor to every time we visit this realm ... we laugh ... and enjoy each other's company a beautiful sky full of stars that were, are and will be ... I am filled with peace and lost ourselves in each other's eyes ... we said .. "No little love ... we're almost there ... almost back home "... those nights What happened to my love are the most peaceful nights ... and we bathe together in the light of countless moons .. it was ... they are ... and will be ... and awake with a heart full of joy .... and echo the rhythm of my respiracióny I feel more alive than ever and for a moment ... is not knowing ... I understand that is not explained with logic and reason in this world and only you can feel ... if I ever leave this form and return it to where it all makes sense feeling it ... and if you'll be back in a new way to experience again the beautiful gift we call life ...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots In Mumbai

slept since arriving yesterday from work until 6:30 in the morning, was a restless night, full of strange dreams to which there are only scattered images in my head, not yesterday I saw my love or just saw a moment since I do not remember and I feel his presence, all I remember of my dream is a large building in ruins, filled with ghosts, people may remember moments that they had been in that place and other recreating the time of his death over and over again in that ruined place, I was very familiar with the place even though my rational and logical part does not recognize, remember to have reached the roof of the site and meet a sky so black and starless, was a restless night, but my body feels rested, my mind is sluggish, it all still seems so unreal and insubstantial, the third eye is active, my heart chakra asleep and not wanting to wake up, it's as if he were tired and reluctant for some reason, I'm a little less than 11 hours of freedom seem to be a day


Friday, August 20, 2010

Native Sunfish For Sale

A restless night last night I dreamed of an owl

sueñoo do not know if calling a vision, really I can not say I was asleep, but I can assure that he was awake, just saw him flying majestically in the night sky with the moon in the starry background, not if you gave me to understand is just a projection of my unconscious or a real message, only to be restless after the message, did not know whether to be happy for what he gave me to understand, just know that I could not sleep at night, the 2 fields that I have more open throbbed incessantly, is fixed in my mind the idea of leaving the LO ; gium and the reason that so long dominated my life, "feel, not think," repeated the voice in my head "open your heart, filled with great happiness my whole being, while my chakra corazóny my third eye throbbed to the rhythm of my breathing, I understood many things I can not explain and I can not understand the logic of this "reality" I can not really say whether or not sleep last night ... I feel tired, I also notice something strange I should have raised in a bad mood .. but I feel great, despite the fatigue that invades my body, not if you saw my love or not last night ... but vaguely remember her image and my senses are intoxicated by his presence, everything around me seems so unreal, so pointless, but my logic intact, but I needed, rather than to the performance of my duties, but my gut feel is more awake than ever.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cheapest Piercings In Sydney

was in a dream, just a beautiful dream where I had you in my arms, holding hands walk through vast fields, we kissed and made love next to large lake that forms powered by the flow of time, we saw countless stars in the birth and death, enjoying the aroma of the flowers in the breeze, I got lost in the depths of your eyes, I sailed through your hair as did the ancient mariners led only by the stars and you refuge in my arms storm of life, dry your tears with my lips, we bathed together in the moonlight, and awoke to the solitude of my room, with a heart full of joy and love, whether it was a beautiful dream and that dream is worth supporting life in the "real" world, being the world of dreams more real for me and I can only say good night love sweet dreams years.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Registrybooster Vs Registery Mechanic


Ahh ... Sorry I could not participate in the RPG finally Sapere Aude. I have many things in the head and Death Note is one of the most enjoyable fandoms to ease the mind. I regret having said that after not having done participaríay; hope I have not bothered anyone.

other hand ... Baptiste VII is doing great *-* Although we are only five people with three characters each and every two or three weeks I leave a little left xD It's role-play with original characters is very interesting and dynamic. And even if you have two or more characters with very different personalities, is a challenge. The possibilities are endless. * Excitement *

You know ... If someone wants to join, are invited.