Thursday, April 1, 2010

Starting A Calling Card Business

fanfic writers Guide, Part III

4. The importance of a beta reader

Suppose you already wrote. Already learned the rules and applied them, they kept the style, they used the rhetoric and his extensive vocabulary, narrated without boring the reader with unnecessary descriptions, etc.. Do not believe they have done. Now comes the time when his beautiful work to teach her first reader yourself. I can not tell how many times you have to read critically and to correct what needed to be compliant. In my case, I begin to read and reread since I start to write. In this way I ensure that I have written so far is consistency and logic, and it gives me an idea of how it should proceed. Once at least three times I'll read.

Good. Once you are satisfied, they should look for a beta reader. Need not be someone who knows grammar not even be a writer (even if all that better.) What happens is that, being our own writing, there are things that we overlook because, having gone out of our heads, to some extent what we know about memory and reread not pay as much attention as we should. Another problem is that as we know our own history and our characters, there are things we take for known but perhaps not so well. I have passed comment where I said they could not understand what character was speaking at any particular time, whereas for me it was understood perfectly.

Now, a beta reader is just that: a reader. Mark errors that may have missed, warn us about things they do not understand and give us feedback on how we could improve. Since we have given the post of beta reader, we listen with patience atencióny what we have to say, but when in the field to the view, than he thinks, what he likes , we must not forget that the work is ours and we have the last word. If we like your new idea, great, we adopt it. If not, we will thank you for your opinion and leave it at that.

5. Inspiration

One of the biggest problems I find in fanfics is precisely its origin: the manga or anime, two media that have little to do with literature . So when we make a transition from the TV the picture to a story or narrative, we encounter serious difficulties (or at least it should). The resources we have are not the same as they have no pictures, animation, sounds, in short, all that remains are, broadly speaking, words. Nobody ever said that a fanfic writer has to be a writer or a BA. In fact, they can write whatever they want and however they want, it is not just a hobby. But if you're reading this, guess it's because they want to improve or find something that will be useful, so here are my tips: keep an open mind all the time. Twenty-four hours a day. Of course the base of his inspiration will be given by the manga or anime, which is where the fanfic goes, but there does not end the world. Read books and newspapers, watch movies, series and news, be alert when you go down the street, when talking to people, when out with friends, when they work as you study. Anything can trigger the inspiration. And, if you really are interested in becoming good writers try to translate all his experiences, all the information they receive through the five senses, in the words and phrases. This practice is, most of the time, infallible.

6. The errors common in fanfics

On this last point I will refer to something more precise: I see errors that are repeated in most badfics (and not so badfics).

· Smileys and emoticons: is not correct to use this type of resource, also commonly known as "emoticons." For this there are the words, descriptions narracióny. Example:

"- You like?" She asked, twisting his mouth into a wicked smile. "

And no:

* "- Like it? > =)-he asked. "

Training · incorrect adjectives, generally referring to hair color and eyes. The only correct word is "red", from which degenerated guess these abominable inventions. There are no "peliverde" or "dark-haired" or "peliblanco" or "ojiavellana" much less "dangerous oji-violet" (just removing this term from a fanfic I found out there). For that we have words like "fair", "too dark", "brown", "gray", "albino."

Unfortunately, since there are no green hair, violet, pink, etc., Natural, do not count, at least for the moment, with English words to describe them. Then: "the green hair," the girl with the purple hair, "" the Pink-haired boy ", etc. The same goes for the eyes: "the golden-eyed," the girl with the hazel irises, "the boy with black eyes."

· author notes: they are always at the beginning or end of the fanfic or chapter. Unless our story is a kind of parody that supports it (although it is still debatable), we should never interrupt the narrative with a note from the author. What need is there to distract the reader? If it is something essential we have to say, and it is essential that we do in the middle of the story, then we should add it as part of the narracióny not as author's note. Example:

"Roy stopped the eye (the eye rather xD) in Riza amazed to see her civil

This can be easily replaced by: Roy stopped the eye or, rather, his one eye on Riza, amazed to see her civil

course in a serious context should obviously the setback and to the point: " Roy stopped his eye on Riza, amazed to see her civil

Or, to be a little less rude to the one-eyed character, "Roy Riza stopped his gaze, surprised to see her civil

· screenplay format: like it or not, the fanfic has adopted the structure of literature. In fact, most of the pages have not upload formats fanfics script. The reason why many writers choose this format, I think, is because it is much easier and faster. However, the script has invented not for the public to read directly, but to be adapted to the cinema, television, manga, etc. More than one will agree with me when I say I read a story in screenplay format is bored to suck a nail.

careful, because this format would also be part of the script:

"" Hey, Light-kun (says L. Close the door) .

"Hi," replied Ryuuzaki Light. (Thinking of Light: Damn! I caught red-handed ...)"

· Abuse Japanese words: this is rather an opinion, but I think many share it. In some special cases not think it's wrong to use them, but their abuse, especially if it is within the narrative, can become tedious. For example, I love that L Light refers to as "Light-kun" or changing fandom, Alphonse Elric Edward concerns as their nii-san. Characterization gives some characters, and reminds us how to speak in the canon. But since the characters are saying things like "Kawaiiii!" or "Sugoooi!" or that the narrative find their "super kawaiioso Otouto was" quite shocking to me.

· 's announcement flashback, time and place : this is part of the script format. In the literature using this type of ads that make the text appear segmented. Are thousands of fanfics things like

"Mello began to remember what had happened ...



gave him a chocolate Mello. Mello blushed.


When in fact we could clarify that we are talking about the past of the narrative by simply typing:

" Mello began to remember. The day before, Near had given him a chocolate, and he was blushing. "

The correct tenses is very helpful in these cases.

· tense change: we must choose the time in which she describes, and from there to respect or to vary according to how they will change the time in history. Suppose we have chosen to narrate in the past. So everything that happens in normal time in history will be in past perfect (I loved) or imperfect simple (I loved). If you suddenly want to talk about the past of the past (ie, a flashback), use the pluperfect (I had loved). Also the verbs are in the subjunctive mood will go past (which I loved, I would have loved). In case you did not know, there is the future of the past: the conditional simple (I would loved). If, on the contrary, what we want is suddenly put us in this, we can begin to narrate in the present simple.

I know that if it is not very clear on the matter of tenses, all this sounds a bit confusing. I write an example, just in case:

"As Mello was (past tense) high, jumped (past perfect) gate. The previous week had been (past perfect tense) practice their jumps. Indeed it would loved (pluperfect subjunctive mode) that was Near (imperfect subjunctive) there to see. After the jump, looked at his teammates and said he would try next day (conditional simple) again. still remember (present simple) victory expression on his face. "

Or this:

" As Mello is (present simple ) high jump gate. The previous week was (past perfect) practice their jumps. Really would like (conditional) Near that were there to see. After the jump, watching his teammates and said that tomorrow will try (future) again. "

In the following example, the tenses are altered incorrectly:

" Mello was tall and thin. Everyone expected jump * . Gained momentum and he did. At the end, everybody clap * . "

should be" expected to leap "and" everyone cheered, "to respect the past.

· References cumbersome, in general, we write , unless we want to do it on purpose, do not like repeating words. A thesaurus should be enough to solve (at least in part) the problem. However, something that becomes really heavy and even confusing is when we begin to call the protagonist and other characters of millions of different ways you never to mention his name. I'm not saying it's wrong, and to read same name five times per paragraph gives the impression that the writer did not bother her stay mínimamete decent writing. To understand what I mean, I'll give an example:

"Edward threw himself on the table to eat the food. Alphonse, however, sat down gently. The blond was hungry, so in a heartbeat filled his plate of food. The brown-haired ( pelicastaño is strictly forbidden) coughed, trying to point out to your brother to behave. However, the largest of the Elric ignored him. Embarrassed, the lowest shrugged. "

I think in these cases should rearrange some sentences to subjects not go back and forth, and so have no need to name them so many times:

"Edward threw himself on the table to eat the food. He was hungry, so in a heartbeat filled his plate of food. Alphonse, after having sat gently cleared his throat, trying to point out to your brother to behave. However, their wake-up call was completely ignored. Embarrassed, he shrugged. "

You see? Only one mentioned their names time, and needed to use a single reference ("your brother").

In conclusion

I hope that if they came up here without being boring, at least one miserable thing of all issues they have been tried utility. In case anyone is frightened (especially with so many spelling and grammatical rule), do not despair, I wrote my first fanfic atrásy six years ago, but I was always very careful with spelling to and too much detail, I assure you the patterns and gave OOC nightmares. 99 percent of what I wrote in this guide I learned by myself, either reading, researching, or through practice.

As I said initially, this is just my personal experience, my strategies when writing fanfiction, and certainly each will own.

Of course, thank you very much for reading.



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