Thursday, April 1, 2010

How Relieve The Esophagitis

Guide fanfic writers

In recent days I have not written or advanced in any of my fanfics because the short time I used it in this: a guide for writers of fanfic.

actually can be considered as a guide for writers of prose in general, but is especially aimed at fanfickers.

confess that at first, when I came, I was not sure whether to publish. Mainly because writing a tutorial guide means given some authority or importance; I do not want anyone to think that it is my intention.

For now publish it only in my livejournal because I can not think of another site. If anyone believes that this will interest people from a forum, website, etc., Or if you pass it to an (old) friend (s) know you have my full permission to do so.

The'll post several entries because it is a bit long and has a certain limit livejournal extension.


For Chokomagedon

With the simple goal of helping those who wish to improve on his hobby of writing fanfiction, I have written this guide. Last thing I want to imagine is that I believe an authority on the subject or I'm writing a kind of dogma. On the contrary. I would like to be taken as advice or, better still, as the story of my own experience in this genre. It would be great to give me their own ideas to improve, correct or expand it, or ask me about any other topic that I will not talk.

try to be as clear and less technical as possible. I hope you understand.

Whoever is reading (and also directed to me), hopefully this will be of some use.

1. history

History will be the trunk of whatever we're going to write. Will be the answer to: What is your fanfic (or writing or story, or whatever)? The important thing to know here is that the answer to this question is not always going to be something that will leave stunned and extremely excited about the subject in question. If that were the case, excellent, mass points for their creation. Yes, precisely the issue at hand is not original or that it seems the idea of the century, not to worry. Because the importance of a story is not so much what is said but how it is told. For example, if I told my fanfic "Procrastination" is the latest carnal encounter between Matt and Mello before his death, and fear, anguish and sadness that everyone feels, not that anyone will think "Wow! This girl is a genius. " Any idea can end up in a great long letter when I tell an interesting way.

something I do recommend, I do not usually meet most of the time I write long stories with many chapters, is designed to have the whole plot. Not all the events, situations and details, but least known development node and outcome. Do not believe that this recommendation is only after your mental health when faced with the final draft without knowing exactly what the hell are going to write, but because this will give them more possibilities when framing events and at the same time, give a greater sense of wholeness to the entire work.

1.2 The issues

The themes are constant that can be used along the same story to give a sense unit. Not necessarily have to be important or may even go unnoticed. Returning to the example of "delay", the theme that governs the depth of time (based on that I placed the title). Although not the central argument can be seen in several sentences: "In a quick and graceful movement," It was as if the sun refuses to be buried on the horizon. "" He waited , with infinite patience, "" Matt would have liked to see the whole damn world this time, "the sun, Furious, he insisted freeze light into the thousands of golden threads. "," delayed the sunset. " Even having several issues sleeve can help us if we are blocked at some point to follow. The more you play with items, will be our writing more interesting.

1.3 The general culture and research

Having some general knowledge, particularly in respect of fanfics that involve the real world (like Death Note ) to write to the foundation and give the reader the feeling that we know where we stand never hurts. For everything else, there are Google and Wikipedia (no, Master Card in this case is not going to be helpful.) Let me give some examples with my fanfic "Wammy's." In the early chapters, which discuss Matt's past, there are two women who sing a song in another language. In fact, here I made a mistake I think that happened because someone once told me that Matt's name was Irish, but I remembered that I had said Finn. Ignoring the confusion (I do not know if that error, because "Jeeves" could easily sound Finn), I searched on Google "poems in Finnish." What I found was the Kalevala, an epic poem. Voilà ... I already had an interesting element to add to my fanfic. Of course the two women are music for the Kalevala in a filthy street in Finland would be in our culture street musicians reciting the Song of my Cid. Quite surreal and even frightening, no?

less rugged

Another example is the chapter on childhood de Mello. Here most of us agree that Mello could be German, right? What I wanted was for Mello to be brought up in a red light district. So, again, I searched on Google "Germany + Red Light District." That was how I found the information I needed, and even a description of the city eventually chose.

Of course I do not have to do is write an encyclopedia. It just take time to find some details that will make our work look more complete and real. For example, if we write about a trial, we investigate how a trial at the time and place out llevaríaa. Same if we tell a marriage or any thing that can screw it up by ignoring the issue.

2. Characters

If I said that the idea history was not important, here I can not say the same. The characters are going to make the story progress. Going to do things, to interact among themselves, make decisions, etc.. Then, after outlining the idea of history (because before you know what will happen to our characters can not do more than that, a sketch), we need to develop the characters. And this is serious business.

First we must think what will be the initial state of our characters. Then, how will they make the situations and obstacles that are present in history, what is going cause inside, how they will react on the outside and, finally, how they will evolve because of it (if evolving), what changes can be seen in them after what they do has touched or live in history.

characters is something we can not work vaguely. A well-built character will interest even a mediocre story, and we even tell you how to advance it. I've never done it, but maybe (and more in the case of original characters) would be make cards with useful information that may not go at bringing history, but use it anyway. Do you like the character, why not, how is your past, how is your relationship with others, etc.

What I do is read many psychology texts. Obviously you do not need a psychologist to inquire about it. I confess that sometimes I search Wikipedia has sufficed. Now, the danger here is that we go hand and our paths will cross in the field of what I call "psychology cheap. " That is, make characters that seem drawn from a psychology manual for beginners to the point of creating a horrible cliché. Nobody likes the cliché. There is only one Norman Bates, thousands of traumatized children for a family of children abused them. In fact, while talking about Norman Bates, does not hate it at the end of Psycho explain in detail his mental illness? For the time when Hitchcock shot it was perfect, but it would make no sense to ventilate the "profound" psychology of our characters and so remove all grace. Who cares why Hannibal Lecter became a psychopath? To me, honestly, no. I'd rather be happy knowing it is a very interesting and mysterious character. Be careful, do not say you never have to explain or reveal anything. The important thing is to be aware of what is going to feed the story, what's going to become more rich and interesting, and what else, however, going back to the cliché characters , and over-explained.

2.1 The IC

Since this is primarily a guide for writers of fanfic, I will address this sensitive issue. First: Who never done OOC, cast the first stone. Writing fanfiction is, in my opinion, a way to OOC, because we're telling something that (presumably) the characters have never done in the canon. Of course this is not the end of the world, because to rewrite the canon better we cut all the hands and also each write what he is pleased, that it is freedom of expression. Now, if we wish to write a good fanfic with characters true to canon as possible, then be careful. Here is as good as I said before: the initial state of the characters is the time of the canon we chose to start our history. We do the same questions: do you like the character, why not, how is your past, how is your relationship with others, etc. And mainly, what haríay never do what . But suppose that we want our character to do something I never would. For example, we want Mello Near falls in love. So we have to create situations, events, changes and arguments necessary and inevitable for the character to develop and we really believe that Mello we read in the original manga can fall in love Near. Of course, the farther is the behavior we want to achieve the canon, we must strive more and more difficult it will be our task for not doing a great OOC. I mean, a great OOC, because a small OOC is fine. Nor will we write the history of the life of Mello until it becomes old and senile to the point of not remembering Near hates with all his soul, because readers would die of boredom before managing to throw a tomato.


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