Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mount And Blade The Wedding Dance Instruction

guide for writers of fanfic, part II

3. The writing itself


Know this: there are many, unfortunate or fortunately, necessary.

observe the rules of writing not only makes people say "Oh! Look how well written this person! You must know all the rules! " but, referring to something much more simple to understand each other and make for easier reading, pleasant and enjoyable.

3.1.1 The spelling rules

are those that were taught in elementary school and tell us why "good" and & ldquo ; kindness "are written with b, why" send "is spelled with v, for which" start "with m, ETC. etc., etc. Obviously I am going to say it all because I do not remember half. This is where I recommend you read, read widely and carefully. The visual memory is going to be your best friend in this case as a palavra kuando read the notice strange eszrita wrong. Also, when in doubt, have dictionaries and whole books devoted to questions of language. Something very useful is the website of the English Royal Academy, where you will find both to be used online:

writing course in a word processor include spell checking is very helpful. I'm not perfect, and I am sure that when I write on paper I make many more errors than typing in Word.

3.1.2 The tildes

There are words which, because of the spelling rules of accentuation, always accents. There are rules for that and it is useful to learn. We must pay special attention as we pronounce certain words, it is not the same "loss" that "lost" because as both words are in English, a word processor is not the correct.

On the other hand, there are diacritic tildes. That is, accents that will differentiate one word from another, depending on whether the place or not. Examples are some articles (not accented) and personal pronouns (accented). If you look on the internet I'm sure you will find the list, because there are many.

3.1.3 The grammar rules

In this case and turn to something more complex. Grammar rules teach us matches (for example, have to be "the table" and not "the table" or "I sang," not "I sang"), tenses (narrate always in the same tense), what words govern what prepositions (eg, the verb "have" to be built with the preposition "with" and not "de"), etc., etc. ., etc.

3.1.4 Punctuation

It's annoying to read a text without punctuation. Know that there are the comma, period and thereafter, the full stop, semicolon, colon, etc., And each sign has different functions and, in general, can not be replaced by another. There are occasions in which the author may choose, according to your taste or style, one or the other, but there are cases that are required to sign this or that and this should be respected.

There are also cases in replacing a punctuation mark or omit the other can change the meaning of a sentence. For example: "My love was" not the same as "My love, came."

is important to know that in English, the signs of question exclamacióny open and close. Place the sign only at the end we leave the English and literary and less formal areas such as instant messaging. "What time is it?" " What time is it? "

3.2 The style

The style consists of a series of choices we make before start writing and we should respect to the end.

This includes what I said earlier about the use of punctuation. If we will use the comma then we use a lot during the whole work.

must also choose the optional symbols and functions. For example, we decided that for the talks will use the dash (-), parentheses for clarification (()), for thoughts of the characters quotes ("") and for words where we want to do some emphasis italics source. If this is our choice, not between the text can start using quotation marks and italics for dialogues because we would be confusing to the reader.

Other things to observe are the source, Sizeand lineup of titles and subtitles.

3.3 The rhetoric (Or the art of words)

The words are devalued. This is because we do not need much practice or instruction and studies to use. Learn to speak from a very small and we're improving (or degenerated, in many cases) as they grow. What many do not realize is that words can be as important and as useful as good use of colors and technique are for the painter. In fact, there is evidence (and not very difficult to prove) that two phrases mean exactly the same produce different feelings in the listener / reader if you change the order of their words or if they are used synonymously. For example: say "Mello groaned a bit as a sign of discomfort, as the sun was furious and insisted on freezing their light into the thousands of golden threads." is almost the same as "Mello groaned because she felt slightly uncomfortable. It seemed that the sun, which shone a lot, not down, as was flashing her blond hair. "And at the same time, is not the same, right? I'm not saying one is better or worse than another, but both generate a certain way, different sensations.

The art of rhetoric is, in my view and in my experience, the most difficult and time consuming to acquire. You have to read, write, and much experience to develop it. Do not think there's a secret or a manual to learn.

Here is the link to a page that I found very useful with a list of rhetorical figures: rhetorical / figures-retoricas.shtml

3.4 The rhythmic

Although most apparent in poetry than in another area words have, placed inside a text and coexisting with other words, a rhythm. With this in mind when writing, as well as beautify our writing itself, we will make not only the words and sentences and paragraphs that are communicated, but also how they are wealthy and organized. This also is a game. To think of an ordinary text as it would any and see how altering the order of words in the sentence, changing punctuation, etc.., Do something more interesting. An example: "The Words are treacherous. The words hurt. The words lie. "

normal thing would be to say" Words are treacherous, hurt and lies. " But obviously not the same. Even the feeling, the image formed in our head is different.

"wandered throughout the class, trying to imagine what might have thought while he was attacking his fellow albino. In a white sack filled with sand. A compact ball of cotton. A little lamb that had just bite.

In Mello. "

would be the same:" wandered throughout the class, trying to imagine what might have thought while he was attacking his albino friend. In a white sack filled with sand, or in a compact ball of cotton, or a little lamb who has just bite, or Mello. "

Do you understand what I say when I speak rhythmic? If we were to make a melody based on the original sentence, the principle could be quiet. A stanza long and not too hard. While you are naming opportunities, would become small silences between them, each can be represented by short sounds, but still weak. Then silence is expected to achieve (the unnecessary full stop.) And finally, he is called to Mello as a note perhaps even shorter than before, but loaded with all possible energy.

I hope, at least in part, has been understood. I want you to understand is that not only the words communicate things. Your order within the sentence, the alternation of long and short sentences, commas and dots, uses full stop until the dumbest thing imaginable. Absolutely everything is going to give meaning to what they write.

3.5 The vocabulary

To write, unquestionably, must have a rich and varied vocabulary. There to know many words, synonyms, and also know exactly what they mean. For this, ladies and gentlemen, there are people who devoted years of his life writing dictionaries. Use them, explórenlos, inquire in as often as necessary. It is also important here, the kind of whatever you are writing. "Ass" is not the same as "back" or that "buttocks" or that "buttocks" or that "grips" but we are referring to the same body part that we like to name the fanfic writers. The mere fact of choosing the wrong word can cause completely ruin the atmosphere of our history.

3.6 The structure

What I'm going to call "structure" would be the most visual of our writing. Format. How will they be arranged in paragraphs, if we leave spaces between them, if we abuse maso less than full stop, etc. What I recommend, more from my experience as a reader as a writer, is to use the full stop at least whenever necessary (and I think that would facet least three full stops) and they leave a line between each paragraph. Here we do not talk of good and bad quality of the work, but the extra effort you have to make the reader not to get lost between the lines. Have you ever met a well-known text or noodle chorizo ? Surely even super interesting and engaging, half of the veneer and will not want know anything. This is because the text is more along the harder it will maintaining attention. And of course not want to lose the attention of your readers so stupid for one thing.

If you're going to do is submit your fanfic in a Word or similar file and not upload it to a page format is usually the default, you should use justified alignment , good margins and also, if desired, bleeding.

3.7 The person and the POV

the same way that we will respect the tenses, we must also respect the person and to the point of view chosen from the beginning. First of all we ask: Who will tell the story? How much do you know about the facts and inside the minds of the characters? The answers to these questions may be:

  • First person: the narrator is a character the same story. You can be the protagonist or someone close to him, or a minor character who has heard the story from the mouth of another. It can be:

1. Narrator protagonist: "I'll tell you a funny thing happened to me the other day." Narrator

  1. witness: "I'll tell you something funny that happened to a friend the other day. "In this case the story narrated in third person, and at first when you are talking about about himself and his opinion about it.
  • In second person, its use is not very common, but I've seen in more than one fanfic and, as you want to achieve, it can be cool. Example: "You will never stoop to pronounce my name. I sense you fear that doing so could reveal things unrevealed. "Clarify that this is not something that says a character as dialogue, but is the story itself.
  • In third person, in this case is not a character history. It can be:
  1. omniscient Narrator: know everything about the world of history. And when I say everything, I mean everything: thoughts, feelings and moods of the characters, past, present and future of what happened and will happen in history, etc. Example: "Mello sat back, for he was very tired and cranky. Matt feared again to ask about his past, such as dark past which so little remembered. But if I had known what would happen the next day, he would have skin hen. "
  2. equisciente Narrator: Similar to first-person protagonist narrator, since he knows the thoughts, memories and feelings of the protagonist but no other characters. The advantage is that the third-person narration has some information in ways that would be impossible in a first person narrative, this narrator can, for example, provide details known but not recognized by the protagonist (which have gone unnoticed, for example). You can make comments about the main character would never do himself, like the color of his eyes or his personal shortcomings. These first-person observations (about yourself) would be highly questionable, but by coming in third person given gain in credibility.
  3. poor Narrator: The narrator poor unless the player knows about history. Add only what can be seen and heard, without penetrating into the minds of any of the characters.

(Source: Wikipedia)

3.8 Is Narrate or describe?


is called a text that was read for college xD Anyway. What I try here, which is not less important, is what we should choose the time of writing our history. I'll start by quoting an example I've seen the start of dozens of fanfics: "It was a day like any other. A girl came to class. His name was Joseph. He wore a brown dress shoes, same color, white socks and a blue jacket. Her hair was dark blond and green eyes. The color of his skin was pale. I was fifteen. It was quite vain and spoiled, but got good grades in school and was Charlotte's good friend. "Well, I guess everyone will have fallen asleep. Of course we all have ever said that the descriptions are necessary to beautify and make more rich to our story. I tell you: the description, in general, should be subject to the narrative, or else our letter will be the sensation of still pictures one after the other. Sure we can describe the clothes he was wearing Josefa, of course we can say that it was vain and spoiled, it is always better when we take the work their actions and their utterances (dialogs, for example) will reveal the type of personality you have. Furthermore, why say it was a day like any other? If really so, not even worth mentioning. What is not mentioned, is taken for granted, so if nothing is said about the day the reader assumes that it is a day like any other. We are not watching TV or watching a picture, so it is not strictly necessary that we describe in detail the scene pure visual in which the story unfolds.

good thing to narrate and describe not so much that opens up the possibility of suggest instead of throwing all that we want the reader to know or imagine. For example, we can write a complete fanfic that is in love with Near Mello, without naming the word "love" or "love" or "honey" or "feeling" or "heart" or anything like that. This is, in my opinion, a very interesting resource. In fact, the less obvious we are, the more reasons and incentives will take the reader to keep thinking and analyze it again and again to write.

3.9 The transgression

all know that the English language (and all languages) has rules of spelling, grammar, notational , etc. It is already understood that the spelling rules are intransgressible. Without exception. There are other rules, a little more flexible and less indispensable, as rupture, if it is made intencióny knowledge may mean that the author wanted to draw attention the reader in a particular thing, or just want to play with the text and structure. What has to be clear is that for breaking a rule you must first know or we risk making a mistake and it is noticed.

An example of this is repetition. In general, a good writer avoid repeating a word and take care to use synonyms or pronouns. This does not mean never, ever going to repeat the same word, where intent: "He began to tremble like a frightened child . I was really scared . "" If this Mello, Mello if that. "" needed was to increase the speed, covering miles and miles with dangerous speed. needed was to evoke the texture of your skin, the silkiness of her hair, the rhythm they acquired their palpitations when together they plunged into a sea of what then did not know the name of lust. Urgently needed found it to jump off his motorcycle and almost running to the entrance of one apartment. "" (The words are treacherous. The words hurt. The words lie.) "It is not so bad, right? Not to mention that the overuse of synonyms gives the impression that the text is forced and becomes unnatural (I'll discuss this later).


Other examples of experimentation:

"Near knew immediately that was what I was trying (com) to prove how little complementary. "

"" Yes, I can realize that, "joked Matt, forcing a smile.

(Her tears are sincere.)


"Sorry," was all he said, and with that said many things.

(Her tears are sincere.) "

Never forget: writing is an art, and like all art has rules that can be respected or transgressed, but always with some intencióny consciousness.

3.10 The lemon

As fanfic writer and reader, I love the lemon. This does not mean I like all the stories that lemon, or having to put lemon on everything you write.

Here I have little to say. Everyone has their tastes, and this is indisputable. I want to make clear and I suppose it needless to tell them is that not all fanfics have to deal with sex or gender is not good to put everything you can. Just as good themes, good characters, good general and informacióny good story will do our story, despite the redundancy, good, well written lemon and placed at the right time will achieve the same result. It's a bit annoying when the lemon gives the feeling of being inserted without much reason to be inside a story, because it seems so forced. Do not say you never did. As I said, I like the lemon, and provided to recount how my favorite characters wallow in them, I made disasters.

If they wish to write lemon without bothering to devise a story, that's what the PWP (Plot? What plot?), Which actually has nothing wrong and is even stressing.

Here again the same as before: be careful with vocabulary. There are words that, depending on how the story is, can sound out of place and even unpleasant. I come to read expressions like "wet anus", which have nothing exciting. In addition, the years do not get wet (unless you have previously been spit or whatever). Vaginas are the only ones that have the advantage of producing its own lubricant, so unless you want your uke is torn, I recommend to clarify that the seme in question is using some kind of lubricant (saliva, minimum). In general, men, once they ejaculate, it takes about twenty minutes to get an erection again. The screams of pleasure and / or pain in the style of: "¡¡¡¡¡ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH are also highly recommended !!!!!" (and not only account for the lemon).

What I just said may safely be taken with tongs. The lemon not usually realistic, and this is not so bad. After all, not most are hentai and yaoi, right?

not forget that sex does not necessarily mean love, and love does not necessarily mean sex.


If they feel or believe they lemon out all identical, they may seek inspiration or watch yaoi hentai (or porn, why not?), Read doujinshi, find pictures, fantasize. Or have sex!


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