Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tapety Z Littlest Pet Shop

Print this queridawendy

Notice for navigators: I am the most destroyer on this side of the peninsula, so you probably do not want to read what comes next. Short and change.

What is The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? I will tell you:

Forrest Gump meets Marlon Brando in Big Fish with a "botoxic" Amelie.

All this for two hours of absolute stupor in which, if you have a little knowledge, make you want to commit hara-kiri in a violent manner so as not to have to keep seeing the mug operated to Blanchett (I'm sorry by you like, but that woman has something to torture me hard) or over the hills to see PittiPitti.

That is, a fact nonsense commercial and academic so that the hybrid baby is as ridiculous as insulting.

What we have to get a guy as great as David Fincher for the Oscar nominated him massively. The Fight Club pwns everything. In

purposes. And to think that by mistake (in) human, I had to pay twice for this. And right after seeing that other shit that's Valkyrie.

PS: and no, I adore Big Fish does not mean I will molar any version that I make of it. With a base idea is the same or different. Fewer still supplying my wonderful Ewan by Pitt. Coming

they talk about the reader.


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