Monday, October 19, 2009

Memory Loss, Lack Of Focus

Life sucks~!

I've since December waiting to be October 20 and it sucks you can not go see this man D:

Sometimes life sucks, but anyway, the fact can not idol you see does not mean you're going to die, right? xD
He has been a person that has changed my life and my way of seeing things, and well, you Mother, for not giving me permission to go see it even if the only opportunity to see it.
And all for being poor, not true XD ~! All for the Most Holy MI SANTA MADRE SCROLL ... he thinks I have 10 years ... Ok, I think my mother has not noticed that at that time it's been 9 long years, and that I'm older and I can do what pleases me (which is not true because I'm still maintained ).... Well my dream
went away, but do not lose hope that one day I can see it: 3 I know I know

People are misleading, my mother used to blackmail that if I got good grades let me go ... and I believed him for four months I was stupid looking face and so .___.;;
seen my effort was not worth it because in the end I said ... Y YA NO VAS >____________> likes
Why do this to me?

XDDD Well, anyway, as we said above Japanese, a dream is a dream that's a dream ~! Bye bye

u_____u Miyavi;;

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Synergeyes Multifocal Cataract


Hello, hello. Yes, I'm still alive. All this time I'm alive but away from livejournal. There should be warned that at least it was on hiatus, but as in my laptop, for some strange reason, I can not enter the website and I have to switch to PC "my father" , I've made so far.

I do not know if I will update, not that I have nothing I want to tell here, but I will try to follow my f-list as he did before ^ ^

The course has been good, very well, actually. I had problems because they at a private university because it is a company and what it is to learn and / or give credit to them sound alien to Chinese, but no matter, the fact is that things are going well and I have earned over going to the Film Festival San Sebastian, the nine days as part of the youth jury. One of the best things that have happened in recent years. I'm happy in general. And that.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New York Gay Cruising Spot


I decided to leave this "book" of my life until this episode, maybe then put something like the epilogue ...
many questions remain unanswered in this journal about things that I put.

things that hurt me somewhat, but I decided to leave them as they are
for what ails me is not in my hands to solve.

know that nobody cares haha
but since things are so. Greetings


Friday, July 3, 2009

Does Cryocautery Cervical Hurt?

Your Livejournal vs.

I just do not handle me here ... I'm more lost than anything, nose to be used. You

this to have a journal ... I will try to have crap.

Officially, I'm on holiday, I have no exams until September. But I'm so useless, and I feel so bad, I should be studying right now, so I guess I'll start next week again. The lifetime

In dance we go back to the 28, what happens is I to 25 I have two workshops with Morgana, so nose as I shall go back to acting.

As for kekos. Practically enjoy them myself staring at, I make a picture when I can (I have no time), but publishing, and forums ... I do not feel comfortable in any truth, which is BJdoll I spend more, but do not know why not just settle down.
I think it's because I have almost no time to devote to this hobby, and because I have head elsewhere. Also
esque fights between people, the laughter at the expense of rookies, the rookies who write weird, the scorn of certain molds ... I like the atmosphere, which reminds me very much to the resentments that occur between dancers ("x Miss is a Zorron, has only come this far by bundling with twenty thousand, because it is not worth anything", etc, etc, etc, piques ebtre academies, and such) I will

Well ... crap ...

Once a dog he has stolen the sheets? To me yeah! Italy, since he cut his hair. You want to get under, but just messing around and you take them out.
Now in summer, nose how to hold below. I did not cover myself, but gun to get a lot ¬ ¬

Today I have made a photographic and video to hamsters for one thing. Tiny faces. Nose

think of anything else.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dvd/vcr Combo Dtv Tuner

Daguona bellydance forum. Nothing

If you or simplente fan, please read the forum in the Red Bellydancing ^ ^ / index.htm

__ I still do not know so use this ... it is used nisiquera!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I Need A Poem For My Wedding Card


left ... I have this two posts, two deviantarts, and a fotolog ... as to what use o.o nose

Today I woke up unable to move his neck. It's a horror, it hurts me an egg! Esque

not even I have an interesting life, that I fuck story here?

All you do is pass notes, passing notes, looking at nothing ...


Any ideas?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mount And Blade Naruto Mod

chokomagedon @ 2009-01-23T03: 18:00

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Denise Milani Topless First Time

hiatus or something already will have seen around the world, but I really do not care about a deranged

And I do like the movie more pathetic than anything else, pointless, absurd and illogical Manichean throughout the second half. That the director remains as tedious and soothing as always and that even the interpretation of Kate in it is comparable to that performed in Revolutionary Road also the same year. Because of a damn time have given it and that's what matters at this point, that it was time, after having deprived even of getting the two for the gift and the other to-know-who . Because Katie is my shit, and I love it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tapety Z Littlest Pet Shop

Print this queridawendy

Notice for navigators: I am the most destroyer on this side of the peninsula, so you probably do not want to read what comes next. Short and change.

What is The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? I will tell you:

Forrest Gump meets Marlon Brando in Big Fish with a "botoxic" Amelie.

All this for two hours of absolute stupor in which, if you have a little knowledge, make you want to commit hara-kiri in a violent manner so as not to have to keep seeing the mug operated to Blanchett (I'm sorry by you like, but that woman has something to torture me hard) or over the hills to see PittiPitti.

That is, a fact nonsense commercial and academic so that the hybrid baby is as ridiculous as insulting.

What we have to get a guy as great as David Fincher for the Oscar nominated him massively. The Fight Club pwns everything. In

purposes. And to think that by mistake (in) human, I had to pay twice for this. And right after seeing that other shit that's Valkyrie.

PS: and no, I adore Big Fish does not mean I will molar any version that I make of it. With a base idea is the same or different. Fewer still supplying my wonderful Ewan by Pitt. Coming

they talk about the reader.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Am I Too Old To Pledge Delta Sigma Theta

Benjamin Button @ 2009-02-14T10: 04:00

All approved.

Bologna, call for July, USJ, Fuck you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Want To Buy Ajockstrap



Nothing to tell.

These days I have nothing, and I'm tired and nose for what.

I do not like going to class, I get bored, I have no desire for anything.

really, I have nothing to update.

Well, I have new camera ... nothing.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cetaphil Or Neutrogena

The Ham-Ham started

Well as I said, here is my hamster. Photos

without any capacity to make a bug is not easy running, who complain I bite an eye!

esque fact I never thought you would cariƱoa both a hamster oo po whom I suppose it gave me, because normally, gave them food and shelter, and herding, but this is a spoiled ... in the end I will like the hamsters ...

Incidentally (and forgetting that nobody reads me ^ ^) anyone know how to upload photos from photobucket without having to go one by one?

Before the photos, there are two new photo shoots of my bjds, you can see them in dreams resin, although it is not having much quality.

Now, pictures of the bug.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cheeky Birthday Invitation Wording


Today I had a disastrous test, I ass. After

've been with a friend, with our kekas:) And now I'm alone, throwing very much someone who should not.

really I have nothing to tell, nose for what I have opened a livehournal.

If I get the doe, the same morning I put a photo session with my hamster

XD Well, a petition, someone help me to learn how to use facebook? U, u Although no one reads me .. .


Friday, January 30, 2009

Nursing Management As A Career Choice

Hi here!

start with this from the LiveJournals.
I've never had any, or customize it, or how it works or anything.

I have opened it because I've realized that I have blogs, but all concrete items, none as a "diary" and I wanted to have something general.
therefore, do not look interesting topics here, only truly paranoid.

Now imagine they are all depressed type:)

Without further ado, welcome, I'm going to continue studying.
