Monday, October 19, 2009

Memory Loss, Lack Of Focus

Life sucks~!

I've since December waiting to be October 20 and it sucks you can not go see this man D:

Sometimes life sucks, but anyway, the fact can not idol you see does not mean you're going to die, right? xD
He has been a person that has changed my life and my way of seeing things, and well, you Mother, for not giving me permission to go see it even if the only opportunity to see it.
And all for being poor, not true XD ~! All for the Most Holy MI SANTA MADRE SCROLL ... he thinks I have 10 years ... Ok, I think my mother has not noticed that at that time it's been 9 long years, and that I'm older and I can do what pleases me (which is not true because I'm still maintained ).... Well my dream
went away, but do not lose hope that one day I can see it: 3 I know I know

People are misleading, my mother used to blackmail that if I got good grades let me go ... and I believed him for four months I was stupid looking face and so .___.;;
seen my effort was not worth it because in the end I said ... Y YA NO VAS >____________> likes
Why do this to me?

XDDD Well, anyway, as we said above Japanese, a dream is a dream that's a dream ~! Bye bye

u_____u Miyavi;;