Sunday, February 11, 2007

Keratin And Breastfeeding


xDDD Ahhh that weba
great weather in Veracruz ... no sun but not *.* windless upset that is a wonderful day:) And I
¬ ¬ '¬ ¬ ill with flu' where salt enters not be more fortunate to Pav ¬ ¬ '
From Yesterday ... Saturday, I knew the despertame .. burning in throat betrayed him .. damn flu ¬ ¬ 'xDD that if such Friday xDD my old walking around the downtown, entered the market ... and out of the weather and now I wonder jajaj xD why I got sick. We still had the luxury of going home Sharo boyfriend, where my cherished friends ¬ ¬ 'and I were casting the friend of James and I ¬ ¬' music just because I spoke with him ... and I go married ¬ ¬ 'course that was cute xD but not my type lol.

Saturday but I knew what I intended, I had to wash clothes, so I did ... besides of course the food ... after passing hands many times between hot and cold stove water, what else expected that a fever in the afternoon ¬ ¬ 'by 7 pm I was lying and raving ... no one in my house, only my brother or what is the same ... no one was in the home ¬ ¬ 'xDD

I woke up a little better, it was raining ... and yet I could not resist the habit of connecting .. a day without talking to me xDD is traumatic consequences and what I see ¬ ¬' a message which tells me sleep early because we have seen .. the truth is that as you wish it was going to propose .. the headache had not let me concentrate xDD

At 9 pm I talked to my mom to give him my solution problem (what would we do without our mothers *.*) and I said of course not before scolding ¬ ¬ 'is my mother at the end xDD. It ended up that I had to call a nurse to depart I quote: s, I do not like corrupt me well lol .. or .. we are all sick and it is nice to be waiting to see how others put in their ER "(the only one that gives the IMSS sevice on Sunday), at the end was not going to do, but the pain increased and for the 10 pm me WTF you said ... xDD and health comes first or more xD.

Saturday night more or less asleep, the fever decreased but the headaches continued, and if we add that could not stand the pain of legs: s ... I wanted to cry out in despair at times ..- Thus, values when these healthy-..
On Sunday morning I got up at 7 am ... the heater off, I had to resort to the old trick of boiling water ... I now only need to burn for me dude ¬ ¬ '. After I showered quice not go ... Besides, my brother would take me unless I see convulsing and foaming at the mouth throwing: s.. well my dad forced him xDD

I long, I had a consultation within 15 min, which was clear to me forever ... I asked the Doctor if he wanted injections or pills ... I chose the first ...
1) Because the substance reaches the bloodstream faster,
2) Because it hurts is not the bite of the syringe, but the drug.

I left there with a little sore ass xD and 38 ° degrees of temperature: s. .. I got home and went to bed ... was 10 am ... I woke up "breakfast" and I took the other drugs they gave me ... now that I feel a little better ... I started working at home ... had million to wash dishes and no one else would do it ... and had to finish washing the clothes of my father ¬¬'... clear that I put on gloves and went clothes washing machine to the other xDD .... And while the laundry is washed .. I took the opportunity to write this ... lol

Before I go xDDD
Today is the birthday number 22 of my worship William Eugene Beckett *.* I love you, my skinny *.*... as I feel better today if I give you gift: P


xxx PS I miss two shots xDDD